Should you look for a handyman on Craigslist? Many people might advise against this, but here at Taskr, we actually don’t look down on it. While it might not be the most popular way of finding an honest handyman near you, we really do think you can find one on Craigslist. At Taskr, we pride ourselves on honesty and transparency. Just to be clear: we’ve got no relationship with Craigslist, and are not (and have never been) sponsored by them in any way. In fact, we have never been sponsored by anyone at all. The truth is much simpler: we just need to give credit where credit is due. Back when my co-founder and I started to do our own work directly for homeowners, Craigslist is what enabled us to provide home repair and renovation services all around the area!
This is years before either one of us even considered launching Taskr. At the time, we both worked for a licensed general contractor, where we learned and expanded our skills over the years. By then, we already had incredibly kind customers who often wanted us to come back and do a little extra work – work that was too small for our actual boss to book and schedule, due to the company already being overbooked with large projects. This is when our former employer told us upfront: go ahead and provide small services to these customers on your own. Initially, this felt counter-intuitive to us, but we soon understood the unmet need in the real estate market. A quick 30-minute kitchen faucet repair or replacement wasn’t worth it to the large company, but the company did want to keep these customers happy nonetheless. With no other handymen to refer them to, my co-founder and I simply began to start taking on these odd jobs from people we already knew.
The next step after that was figuring out how to introduce ourselves to new customers. Today, many will advise to dive into the world of social media, and for example, launch a handyman TikTok channel, or a home repair YouTube page. While a good option for some, this is not the only way to gain exposure. What has worked for us back then, was going on Craigslist and finding people who needed small handyman tasks complete. Further down the road, we even posted our own handyman offers on Craigslist. These weren’t paid ads, but rather simple posts that tried to connect with people. This worked so well that we had to eventually turn those off, because of how busy we were.
We really believe that honesty is key in any business, especially a local handyman and home repair business. It’s what got us through tough times, it’s what worked back then, and it is what works especially well today. An honest handyman, an honest handywoman – an honest handyperson is highly recommended because of the trust that customers have in us. The marketing is secondary to that, and it doesn’t matter if you find a good handyman on Craigslist, Instagram, or Angie’s List. At Taskr, we believe in honest work, superior craftsmanship, and transparent pricing above all else. How you find your handyman isn’t important. So, absolutely, please feel free to find your handyman on Craigslist.
Having said that, we’d be remiss not to share some important safety tips when it comes to finding a handyman on Craigslist, or anywhere else for that matter. Our 10+ years of experience in the business have taught us that when you search for anyone on the internet, safety and caution are non-negotiable. Here are 10 safety tips we highly recommend, in no particular order:
By following these suggestions, you’ll have a much safer and more reliable experience when hiring a handyman from Craigslist or similar platforms. We hope these tips are useful to you and your family, and at the very least - remove some of the difficulty in the process of finding someone you can trust.
If you’re looking for a handyman in Orange County or nearby areas, we’d love to help you out. You can book a handyman with us in less than 60 seconds, and we’ll get the job done in no time. We’re a small, local business, and we’re proud to serve our friends and neighbors. We’re also proud of our work, and we greatly appreciate each of our customers. As always, we provide estimates completely free, so you’re welcome to get one anytime. We strongly encourage you to share photos and videos of your project. Alternatively, our phone is always on: you’re welcome to call us anytime: (979) 835-0001. We look forward to hearing from you!